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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



OECD-Korea Seminar on Long-term Fiscal Reforms for Fiscal Sustainability
February 10 (Fri), 2023
Registration & Networking
Opening Session
  • Opening Remarks   Sang Dae Choi ㅣ 2nd Vice Minister of Economy and Finance of Korea
  • Congratulatory Remarks   Ilwhan An ㅣ Korean Ambassador to the OECD
  • Welcoming Remarks   Kerri-Ann Jones ㅣ OECD Deputy Secretary-General
Fiscal Policy and the Way to Long-term Fiscal Sustainability
  • Presentation 1 Fiscal Vision 2050: Policy Direction and StrategiesYoung Kyu Kang ㅣ Director General, Fiscal Sustainability, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Korea
  • Presentation 2 Reflections on Our First Long-term Sustainability ReportEddie Casey ㅣ Chief Economist and Head of Secretariat, Irish Fiscal Advisory Council
  • Presentation 3 The Political Economy of Debt SustainabilityXavier Debrun ㅣ Head of Economics and Research, National Bank of Belgium; Board Member, European Fiscal Board
Panel Discussion
  • ModeratorJon Blondal ㅣ Head of Budgeting and Public Management, Directorate for Public Governance, OECD
  • Panelists Tae Suk Lee ㅣ Senior Fellow, Department of Public Finance and Social Policies , KDI
    Sir Robert Choteㅣ Chair, United Kingdom Statistics Authority; former Chair, Office for Budget Responsibility, United Kingdom
    Jon Pareliussen ㅣ Head of Korea Desk, Economics Department, OECD
    Scherie Nicolㅣ Lead, Independent Fiscal Institutions, Budgeting and Public Management Division, Directorate for Public Governance, OECD
Closing Session
  • Closing RemarksSang Dae Choi ㅣ 2nd Vice Minister of Economy and Finance of Korea
    Jon Blondal ㅣ Head of Budgeting and Public Management, Directorate for Public Governance, OECD
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