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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



International Conference for the 60th Anniversary of Korea’s Five-Year Economic Development Plan
May 25 (Thu), 2023
Opening Ceremony
  • Opening Remarks   Kyungho CHOO ㅣDeputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance
  • Welcoming Remarks   Dongchul CHO ㅣPresident, KDI
  • Congratulatory Remarks   Anna BJERDE ㅣManaging Director of Operations, World Bank
Keynote Speech
  • Presentation Korea's Economic Development: Challenge and Response Kyong Shik KANG ㅣPresident, NSI
Coffee Break
Session 1. Evaluating the Progress and Achievements of Korea’s Economic Development
  • PresentationWhat Lies Behind Korea's Economic Success? Youngsun KOH ㅣSenior Vice President, KDIEvaluating the History of Korea’s Economic Development Jason ALLFORD ㅣSpecial Representative, World Bank Group Korea Office
  • Panel Discussion(Moderator) Dongchul CHO ㅣPresident, KDI
    Sang Ryel LEE ㅣEditorial Writer, JoongAng Ilbo
    Moon Sik KWON ㅣAdvisor, Hyundai Corporation
    Ju Tae LEE ㅣSenior Executive Vice President, POSCO
    Hye Yong CHU ㅣAdvisor, SamsungDisplay Co., Ltd
    In Soo KANG ㅣProfessor, Sookmyung Women’s University
Session 2. Economic Development Plan and International Cooperation
  • PresentationKorea’s Economic Development Model and Lessons from International Cooperation between Korea and Ghana Ken OFORI-ATTA ㅣMinister of Finance, GhanaLessons from International Cooperation between Korea and MongoliaJavkhlan BOLD ㅣMinister of Finance, MongoliaKorea’s Economic Development, International Cooperation and Future DirectionsHyeok JEONG ㅣProfessor, Seoul National University
  • Panel Discussion(Moderator) Kyung Wook HUR ㅣSenior Advisor, Bae, Kim & Lee LLC
    Sung-Hee JWA ㅣDirector, ParkChungHee Institute of Development Studies
    Richard DAMANIA ㅣChief Economist, World Bank
    Eunju KIM ㅣProfessor, Hansung University
    Poong Hyun SEONG ㅣEmeritus Professor, KAIST
    Ho CHOI ㅣGeneral Manager, KDB Future Strategy Research Institute
Coffee Break
Session 3. Development Strategy and Vision for the Future Korea
  • PresentationStrategies for Economic Security in Response to the Changes in the Global Trade SystemSiwook LEE ㅣProfessor, KDI School of Public Policy and ManagementStrategies to Foster New Industries for Creative InnovationEun-Mi JUNG ㅣSenior Researcher, KIETInnovating National Governance for Future StrategiesJin PARK ㅣProfessor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
  • Panel DiscussionModerator) Kwang Hyung LEE ㅣPresident, KAIST
    Yul SOHN ㅣProfessor, Yonsei University
    Young LEE ㅣProfessor, Hanyang University
    Hong seok CHEON ㅣCEO, TWINNY
    Wonseok SUH ㅣProfessor, Sejong University Research Institute for Governance
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