[북한경제연구협의회]코로나19와 미중갈등, 그리고 한반도 [동향과 분석] 과학기술강국 진입을 위한 북한의 과학기술교육정책 및 평가, 유엔지속가능발전목표14와 남북 해양수산협력의 방향
- 영문요약
The KDI Office of the North Korean Economics Studies held the North Korean Economic Research Forum on June 9, 2020, under the title “COVID-19, the US-China Conflict and the Korean Peninsula.” The US and China are heading into a growing conflict this year amid the COVID-19 crisis. The dispute between the two powerhouses is expected to prolong for a considerable amount of time and have a significant impact on the regional order in Northeast Asia, including the Korean Peninsula. Renowned experts in Korea are invited to discuss various topics and share their latest insights.
- 목차
코로나19와 미중갈등, 그리고 한반도
동향과 분석
과학기술강국 진입을 위한 북한의 과학기술교육정책 및 평가 | 강영실
유엔지속가능발전목표14와 남북 해양수산협력의 방향 | 윤인주
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