최근 우리 경제는 생산 및 수출의 개선 추세가 유지되는 가운데, 내수는 투자를 중심으로 다소 부진한 모습
- 영문요약
* All growth figures are on a year-on-year basis unless otherwise noted.
□ Korean economy showed a slight sluggishness in domestic demand, mainly due to investment, with continuing improvement in production and exports. - Industrial production continued improvement led by mining and manufacturing production, despite a slight growth slowdown in service production.
- While construction investment is a main driving force for the continued sluggishness in investment, private consumption posted a lower growth rate.
- Amid private consumption increasing at a relatively lower rate, consumer sentiment index improved slightly.
- Construction investment continued stagnating, while a decline in equipment investment has been mitigated. - Exports maintained a gradual rise, and trade balance surplus decreased.
- Exports recorded a relatively high growth rate in January, largely due to extra days operated. - Number of employed exhibited a relatively sharp decline in increment, and employment rate fell slightly.
- Headline CPI rose by 1.5%, maintaining the recent low trend.
- Amid overall stability of the domestic financial market, the won depreciated slightly.
- In January, the won depreciated 1.1% against the dollar, despite depreciated value of the yen. - Economic indicators of US and China showed gradual improvement but a sign of risk factors remain along with the ongoing economic recession in euro area.
- 국문 목차
주요 경제지표 Major Economic Indicators
요약 및 평가 Summary and Assessment
경제현안 분석 Analysis of Current Economic Issues
경제동향 주요지표 Major Indicators of the Korean Economy
1.국내총생산 (2005년 불변가격)
Gross Domestic Product (at 2005 Constant Prices)
Economic Activity
Equipment Investment
Construction Investment
6-1. 수출, 수입 및 교역조건
Exports, Imports and Terms of Trade
6-2. 경상수지 및 금융계정
Current Account and Financial Account
7.고용 및 임금
Employment and Wage
Price Indices
9-1. 금융시장 (I)
Financial Market (I)
9-2. 금융시장 (II)
Financial Market (II)
10-1. 세계경제 동향 (I)
Major Indicators of the World Economy (I)
10-2. 세계경제 동향 (II)
Major Indicators of the World Economy (II)
- 영문 목차
주요 경제지표 Major Economic Indicators
요약 및 평가 Summary and Assessment
경제현안 분석 Analysis of Current Economic Issues
경제동향 주요지표 Major Indicators of the Korean Economy
1.국내총생산 (2005년 불변가격)
Gross Domestic Product (at 2005 Constant Prices)
Economic Activity
Equipment Investment
Construction Investment
6-1. 수출, 수입 및 교역조건
Exports, Imports and Terms of Trade
6-2. 경상수지 및 금융계정
Current Account and Financial Account
7.고용 및 임금
Employment and Wage
Price Indices
9-1. 금융시장 (I)
Financial Market (I)
9-2. 금융시장 (II)
Financial Market (II)
10-1. 세계경제 동향 (I)
Major Indicators of the World Economy (I)
10-2. 세계경제 동향 (II)
Major Indicators of the World Economy (II)
국내총생산 및 국내총소득의 성장률(2020년 불변가격)
Growth Rates of GDP and GDI (at 2020 Constant Prices)
그래프 영역입니다.
민간소비 및 고정투자(2020년 불변가격)
Growth Rate of Private Consumption and Fixed Investment(at 2020 Constant Prices)
그래프 영역입니다.
총수출 및 총수입
Total Imports and Exports
그래프 영역입니다.
외국인 순매수
Foreign Investors’ Net Purchase of Stocks
그래프 영역입니다.
Bank Loans to Corporations
그래프 영역입니다.
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