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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



News Publication Types


Publication Types

Publication Types

KDI is the premier institution for comprehensive policy research in Korea. Covering a wide range of research areas including macroeconomics, finance, industry, competition policy, public finance, labor, welfare, global economy, and North Korean economy, KDI delivers data-driven, objective and highly credible policy recommendations to decision makers, rooted in a commitment to building social consensus on national agendas. 

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 Research Reports 

 Research Monograph 
Comprehensive research on mid- to long-term economic policies based on theoretical and empirical analysis of the Korean economy

 Policy Study 
In-depth analysis of important economic issues having policy priority for the purpose of offering policy recommendations

 Working Paper
Research in progress requiring further study before completion

 Issue papers 

 Analysis on critical pending issues of the Korean economy to enhance public understanding of the economy and provide useful policy alternatives

 Analysis of Current Economic Issues 
Material that analyzes timely economic issues included in the Economic Outlook


 Economic Outlook 
Biannually published report on short- to mid-term macroeconomic forecasts and analyses including the analysis of the current economic conditions

 Monthly Economic Trends
Monthly published report on the analysis and forecast of the Korean economy based on domestic and foreign macroeconomic statistics

 Review of the North Korean Economy
Monthly published paper on the current status of the North Korean economy and major issues on inter-Korean economic cooperation assisting academia, policy makers and corporate sectors to better understand North Korea

 Journal of Economic Policy
Semi-annually published professional journal dealing with academic and policy issues relating to the Korean economy

 Narakyungje (National Economy)
Monthly economic policy maga- zine jointly published with 16 economic ministries and agencies


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