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KDI - Korea Development Institute



Monthly Economic Trends KDI Monthly Economic Trends 2025. 1 January 08, 2025

Monthly Economic Trends

Monthly published report on the analysis and forecast of the Korean economy based on domestic and foreign macroeconomic statistics.

KDI Monthly Economic Trends 2025. 1
January. 08. 2025
The Korean economy is experiencing mounting downward pressure, as the economic recovery is delayed by slowing production growth, accompanied by weakening economic sentiment amid growing uncertainties.
  Semiconductor production maintained high growth, while related equipment investment and exports continued on a robust trajectory.
  However, excluding semiconductors, production and exports in other sectors have slowed, and domestic demand remains subdued, particularly in the construction industry.
  - Construction production continues to decline sharply, while growth in services and non-semiconductor manufacturing is slowing.
  - Goods consumption and construction investment continues to exhibit prolonged weakness, weighing on economic recovery.
  Amid growing external uncertainties, domestic political uncertainty is exacerbating economic sentiments.
  - Despite recent political turmoil, financial market indicators, such as exchange rates and stock prices, have remained relatively stable, although household and business sentiment indices have dropped significantly (see Box).
Major Economic Indicators

Summary and Assessment

Major Indicators of the Korean Economy

1. Gross Domestic Product(at
  (2020 Constant Prices)

2. Economic Activity

3. Consumption

4. Equipment Investment

5. Construction Investment

6-1. Exports, Imports and Terms of Trade

6-2. Current Account and Financial Account

7. Employment and Wage

8. Price Indices

9-1. Financial Market (I)

9-2. Financial Market (II)

10. Housing Market

11-1. Major Indicators of the World Economy (I)

11-2. Major Indicators of the World Economy (II)
국내총생산 및 국내총소득의 성장률(2020년 불변가격) Growth Rates of GDP and GDI (at 2020 Constant Prices)
그래프 영역입니다. 그래프
민간소비 및 고정투자(2020년 불변가격) Growth Rate of Private Consumption and Fixed Investment(at 2020 Constant Prices)
그래프 영역입니다. 그래프
총수출 및 총수입 Total Imports and Exports
그래프 영역입니다. 그래프
외국인 순매수 Foreign Investors’ Net Purchase of Stocks
그래프 영역입니다. 그래프
기업대출 Bank Loans to Corporations
그래프 영역입니다. 그래프
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