KDI JEP Estimating the Economic Value of the Online Marketplace for Legal Services August 31, 2023

August 31, 2023
This study examines the usage status of legal services provided by lawyers targeting domestic consumers and investigates empirically how much online platforms that facilitate lawyer search and consultation can increase consumers' utility, and how much the lawyer legal service market will expand through this. To this end, this study applies a discrete choice demand model to the data collected through a conjoint survey to estimate the value of the lawyer search and consultation platform perceived by consumers, and estimates the effectiveness of the platform in expanding the market for lawyer legal services through a simulation method. As a result of the analysis, the relative value that consumers place on finding and consulting a lawyer using the online platform instead of being introduced to a lawyer by an acquaintance or searching for a lawyer offline is estimated to be about 70,414 won. It was found that the existence of lawyer search and consultation platforms could increase the market size of legal services by as little as 18.9% to as much as 70.2%. In particular, the platforms are expected to increase the accessibility of legal services to vulnerable groups.
- Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 변호사검색상담 서비스 이용 현황
Ⅲ. 분석방법
Ⅳ. 수요함수 및 속성별 지불용의 추정 결과
V. 변호사검색상담 플랫폼의 시장확대 효과
VI. 결 론
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