Other Research International Development Cooperation in the Post-pandemic Era: Health and Medicine December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023
- Summary
International development cooperation in health infrastructure and services has been significant; however, the recent economic and social crises triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic have further emphasized its importance. Major donor countries and international organizations have supported global health security post-COVID-19 by strengthening assistance in the health and medical sectors to partner countries and collaboratively striving towards global resilience recovery.
South Korea has actively aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by supporting the health sector. This commitment is evident in initiatives such as the third Comprehensive Basic Plan for International Development Cooperation (2021-2025), which emphasizes enhancing global health threat response, expanding humanitarian support in vulnerable areas, and prioritizing the improvement of quality of life. Currently, there is a growing need to explore the direction of health development cooperation post-COVID-19 for sustainable development, drawing upon South Korea's policy experience of economic and social development.
This research explores, firstly, the general trends and recent advancements in international development cooperation, knowledge sharing, and the strategies employed by major donor countries and international organizations in the health sector. Secondly, it examines South Korea's developmental experience in enhancing global resilience during the post-COVID era, considering both institutional and technological aspects. The study concludes by offering recommendations to improve access to health facilities and services, emphasizing the importance of the National Health Insurance System and the capacity building of the biohealthcare industry.
The study organizes the South Korean National Health Insurance System chronologically according to its development stages and compares it with the insurance systems of major countries such as China and Japan. In the biohealthcare industry, the study encompasses biopharmaceuticals, innovative medical devices, regenerative medicine, and digital healthcare. It offers an overview of the post-COVID-19 digital healthcare market, as well as explains domestic policies for nurturing the digital healthcare and biohealthcare industries and the export status of the biohealthcare industry.
To enhance the development effectiveness in health infrastructure and service, the research suggests focusing on areas where Korea's biohealthcare sector has a comparative advantage while utilizing its innovative potential of partner countries. It also emphasizes the active participation of bio-pharmaceutical companies, the key players in Korea's biohealthcare technology and production capabilities. Collaboration with various global partners, including advanced countries and research institutions in low- and middle-income countries, is necessary for international development cooperation. The establishment of a collaborative system with various global partners is crucial, and domestic conditions, including close cooperation between relevant agencies such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety based on official development assistance, are essential.
The report concludes by hoping that the insights provided on international development cooperation trends and strategies in health, as well as South Korea's development experience in health insurance and the biohealthcare industry, will contribute to formulating future development strategies in the post-COVID era.
- Contents
요 약
제1장 서 론(우혜영)
제1절 연구의 배경, 목적과 필요성
제2절 연구의 주요 내용, 구성과 범위
제3절 연구의 기대 효과
제2장 보건의료 ODA분야 수요와 사례 분석(우혜영·이진이·허 훈)
제1절 보건의료분야 국내외 논의 동향
제2절 보건의료분야 개발협력 수요 파악을 위한 현황 분석과 사례 조사
제3절 결론 및 시사점
제3장 한국의 보건의료분야 발전 경험 사례(이진형)
제1절 국민건강보험제도의 역사
제2절 국민건강보험공단과 건강보험심사평가원
제3절 주요국 보험제도와 국민건강보험제도의 비교
제4절 코로나19 도래와 포스트 코로나 시대
제4장 바이오 헬스케어산업(이진형)
제1절 바이오 헬스케어산업의 발전
제2절 코로나19 발생 이후의 디지털 헬스케어 동향
제5장 국제보건협력의 효과적인 이행방안(강민아·김진경)
제1절 중저소득국가의 정책 환경 및 한국의 발전 경험에서 도출된 정책 시사점 156
제2절 한국 국제보건협력의 향후 방향에 대한 제언
제6장 결론 및 시사점(우혜영)
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