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KDI - Korea Development Institute

KDI - Korea Development Institute



Center for International Development

The Center for International Development (CID) is dedicated to the enhancement of development cooperation by providing consultations and sharing in-depth regional and sectoral research outputs. CID is also building partnerships with governments, development agencies, institutions and the private sector to carry out joint projects and enhance the impact of its development cooperation activities.
Department of
Markets and

International Development Cooperation Research

The Center for International Development(CID) aligns with KDI's research direction of providing practical policy alternatives through high-quality research, conducting in-depth studies to improve the quality of development cooperation policies. In response to changes in the global economic and social environment, it supports the improvement of Korea's development cooperation policies and further suggests concrete cooperation methods centered on key areas and regions. Additionally, it conducts regional and country-specific in-depth studies to support the implementation of effective development cooperation projects by deeply analyzing the development environments of partner countries with different initial conditions. Meanwhile, it systematizes the policy knowledge accumulated through Korea's economic and social development process and processes it into knowledge assets that can be utilized in the unique environments of partner countries to support the resolution of their development challenges.

Utilizing the above research outcomes, it provides a platform for discussion among domestic and international researchers in the field through international academic conferences and expert forums, continuously expanding the academic and experiential knowledge network in the field of development cooperation.

CID’s Key Research Projects in 2023

Research Category Project Title
① Systemization of knowledge sharing International Development Cooperation in the Post-pandemic Era: Health and Medicine
② Development cooperation strategy Integrating ESG Factors to International Development Cooperation Policy: A Preliminary Guideline
The Role of Public Agencies and Governance for the Realization of ESG
A Comprehensive Study on Aid for Trade (AfT), ESG and Policy Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Impact of Tariff and Non-tariff Measures on Trade in Decarbonization Technology Products and Its Implications
③ Studies on partner countries Sharing Knowledge, Sharing the Future 2023: Country Case Study
Strategy for promoting sustainable development cooperation with resource-rich countries considering
to expand the global supply chains (GVCs) and secure critical minerals resources
Knowledge-Sharing Cooperation Strategy toward Central and Eastern European Region
④ Development Cooperation Monitoring
& Evaluation Research
Energy Transition and International Development Cooperation in Response to Climate Change in the Africa Region

Major Research Projects

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